By Hannah Larson
Hey Farmers, here is your senate update for February.
Freshman Senate recently planned the Las Vegas themed Annual Sadie Hawkins Dance which was held on Feb. 1. They are now utilizing their time by working on various fundraising activities. The freshman are also helping out with projects that the other classes are currently working on like Mr. Golden-Ridge, prom and more.
Sophomore Senate is focusing on the annual male beauty competition, Mr. Golden-Ridge. It is planned to be held on April 4 at Golden High School. Sophomores have been working with Golden Senate and began getting the tuxedos and the applications set up and ready. This year the contestants will show off their major man beauty, talents and swimsuits.
Junior Senate is working hard on planning this year’s prom and putting all of their best efforts toward it. They have the theme, place, DJ, decorations and the catering all planned out and they are not letting any of these details slip. The one detail they can divulge is the date: May 10. The rest of the information will be released around spring break. It is said that this year’s prom will be very different from last year’s.
Senior Senate has a blood drive planned for April 7. More information will be out as the date gets closer. They are still shuffling around ideas for a senior gift since a tractor is pretty hard to top! If any ideas come to mind, visit a senior senator and give them the details.