By Rachel Vigil and Christian Liester

Julie Williams
Williams was born and raised in Colorado by a single mother, and she is a graduate of Arvada High School. She and her husband have two children. Williams is part of the conservative majority on the school board.
On her Facebook page, it is stated that she is against the teaching of sexual education in the classroom and the common core curriculum. The evaluation-based pay system in Jeffco was enacted with the support and vote of Julie Williams. She opposed amendment 66, an amendment that proposed a tax hike to increase the funding in the public school system.
The controversial AP U.S. History revision was proposed and formed by Williams. She is a continued supporter of the evaluation based pay raises.

Lesley Dahlkemper
Dahlkemper is one of the two liberal minority members of the school board. She is currently serving as the 2nd Vice president of the school board.
Her birthplace is Chicago, but she moved to Colorado in 1989. Her current residence is in Lakewood, where she lives with her husband and daughter. Children, education, politics, and poverty alleviation are some of the things Dahlkemper cares the most about.

John Newkirk
Newkirk and his wife both graduated from Jeffco Schools. His three daughters are currently in the Jeffco school system. Before joining the school board, he founded Colorado Computer Associates, Inc, a distribution company. On the Board of Education, he serves as the Secretary and is a part of the conservative majority.

Ken Witt
Witt was born and raised in Colorado. He attended and graduated from the University of Colorado Denver with a degree in mathematics. He also has background in technology and business management. Ken and his wife Deb have four children together, with one still attending a Jefferson County School, Columbine High School.

Jill Fellman
Fellman has had lifelong involvement in Jefferson County Schools. She graduated from Alameda High School and continued her learning experience at Notre Dame. After graduating from Notre Dame with a degree in mathematics, she taught math at Bear Creek High School and Moore Middle School. She has had 12 years of experience in curriculum development and has had her two children graduate from Ralston Valley High School.