By Jada Lister
It is no wonder Brandon Kahler is on the Top-20th Senior list this year. From Unified Basketball and Unified Bowling, to Unified Track, Kahler has been a very busy athlete.
When he’s not playing sports, Kahler can be found playing Yugio Cards or watching movies. His favorites include Big Hero 6, Aladdin, The Last Airbender, and Thor. No wonder Kahler wishes to have Superman’s strength, the Flash’s speed, and the ability to breathe in space. While watching movies he enjoys snacking on veggies, cheeseburgers, pizza, and lasagna.
When asked what makes him unique, Kahler’s friends and family said that in addition to being able to shoot a basketball with one hand and lift a lot of weight in the weight room, Kahler has a special talent for remembering lines from movies and imitating characters’ voices. As such, it is no surprise that his biggest dream is to become a voice actor for movies.
According to Special Programs teacher Brian Deeds, “He is a really funny kid who loves to tell jokes.” He is also described as being a very kind, hardworking student who loves to help people.
From his point of view, Kahler’s best quality is that he is always happy and positive. He also says that he helps out his friends a lot, especially on the basketball team.
Spending time with his buddies was quite memorable for Kahler. He says that spending time with his friends and doing different sports activities will be what he will miss most about high school. In fact if he were given the option to relive his high school years, he wouldn’t do anything differently.
The most influential teacher of Kahler’s was Deeds, who helped him learn and inspired him to make good choices. He says that he will especially miss him and Coach and teacher R.J. Trione. He also has really enjoyed being in Toni Budoff’s Astronomy Class this year.
This summer Kahler plans on sleeping in a lot and getting a job at Chick-fil-A. Next fall he will be attending Warren Tech. If he could say one thing to the remaining Farmers it would be, “Don’t worry guys, I’ll come visit!”