Trump’s Ties to Russia Remain Unclear
James Comey, the F.B.I. director, prepares to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, May 3. courtesy of Getty Images
May 17, 2017
Donald Trump, as we all know, is an entrepreneur.
He declares that he does not have any ties with Russia, but in any case, investigative teams could assure us. Many citizens are questioning if Russian hackers tampered with the 2016 election. Since American businessman Carter Page first mentioned these possible affiliations between Russia and Trump, the FBI and other investigators are getting to the bottom of Trump and his connections.
According to an article by The New York Times, The Senate Intelligence Committee is taking thorough and cautious investigations on our president at the moment. Although there are many problems within the investigation, they are collectively gathering information regarding the confliction.
The Senate Intelligence Committee have found that nearly 1,000 fake internet articles before the election, were delivered to swing states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, said by Mark Warner, a Democratic senator of Virginia and a member of the Intelligence Committee. Also former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn has been reported to have lied about his contact with Russian officials, saying, “Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador,” he also wrote. “I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology.” Flynn has said this in numerous calls with Russian foreigners and in a resignation letter.
According to another article by Thinkprogress, it states, “Reuters reported that a Russian think tank comprised of former Russian intelligence officers had drafted, at the Kremlin’s request, a plan for interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”
It seems as though the Republicans do not want their reputation to be squashed if the president is hiding something that is, stated by The New York Times, “ The Senate investigation amounts to a credibility test for Republicans under the Trump administration –a chance to prove their willingness to ask uncomfortable questions of a Republican president, even if the answers might weaken his and the party’s standing.”
Not very many details has been given about the ties with Russia and Trump. All we know is that Trump may have links with Russia. But as of now the FBI and investigators are making cautious procedures, In which one day they could find the truth. Trump is still denying some accusations put forth on him, some say he is being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin but as of now we are looking for more details.