New Nurse Comes to The Farm
October 17, 2017
Rhonda Valdez, the new nurse at Wheat Ridge High School, has worked in five schools, in a prison, and in a psychiatric hospital as a nurse.
Her actual job is helping with health and chronic conditions, such as asthma and diabetes. She find students with these conditions and helps them by asking their parents what they need. She is also apart of the “BE Team,” which help students who use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. She felt excited when she got the job, and was more excited to be apart of the staff.
What she enjoys most about her job is the work hours, and helping students with their problems. She loves kids and helping people. “I believe in education, education is the way to get out of poverty, and away from drugs and alcohol,” she said. The most rewarding thing about her job is the opportunity to help students when they’re having difficult times in their lives finding them help, and seeing them graduate. She loves watching students overcome obstacles that are in their way to graduation. Definitely something to be proud of. But on the other side, the most irritating thing about it is not have enough time to do both.
Her inspiration is thinking about helping people. She wants to be successful. Her personal goals are to have a successful daughter, retire without death in school, and find a volunteer to take her job when she retires. “I love high school,” she said. Let’s welcome her to the staff. She will be a great help to all students.