Homecoming Week Excites The Farm
October 17, 2017
The week of Homecoming has always been one of the most exciting, besides Thanksgiving and Christmas break of course.
The week where you can ask your crush to be your date to the dance, the week where you can dress unlike you would on a regular school day. Like wearing your pajamas to school on Monday, wearing your favorite jersey on Tuesday, going all American on Wednesday, Farmer pride Thursday, and dress-like-you’re-at-the-beach Friday. The week was full of fun activities, like football games, soccer games, girls powderpuff game and barbecues.
When the night came, everyone forgot about reality and had fun. With the gym and halls decorated as Egypt and a DJ playing our favorite songs like Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus or Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. A night where everyone made new memories to remember forever.