Capcom Sheds Light on Monster Hunter: World’s Future Updates
Kulve Taroth
October 30, 2018
Two months after its release on PC, Capcom has finally sent out an official statement regarding Monster Hunter: World’s future in terms of releasing the free DLC already out on consoles to PC players.
As one of the major complaints from players was that the PC version didn’t have all of the free DLC that the console versions have, this has been welcome news.
On Oct. 30, they plan to release the third major title update which includes the long awaited Kulve Taroth siege event, allowing an unprecedented 16 players to battle the beast. Four teams of four hunters will take turns attacking the beast with the goal of breaking off its golden mantle and its horns, driving the beast away, and leaving behind plentiful rewards. Appraisal weapons will be awarded upon completion of the siege, requiring a multitude of wins to get all of the unique weapons available. Unlike other monsters in the game, it will only be available for about two weeks starting Nov. 2. That said, they plan to make it available again sometime in the future.
Specific dates have not been given to add in Lunastra, the Final Fantasy crossover monster, Behemoth, and arch tempered variants of Lunastra and Zorah Magdaros. However, according to the producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, “We are planning to release the updates that came to console on a shorter cycle so you can get your hands on them quicker.”
While some players would complain that they didn’t release this free DLC sooner, the timeframe makes sense when you take into account the rate at which most players have progressed through the game. After two months of people playing the game, only around 50% of players have completed the quests that give them access to any of this endgame content as shown by global achievement stats as of Oct. 25. If they had released the limited time events sooner, most players wouldn’t even have access to the content before the event was over. However, many players are rather impatient as they’ve had to wait seven months for the game to come out on PC and now are forced to wait even longer to get the rest of the content released for the console version.
Besides those pieces of major content, there are two other pieces of free DLC available exclusively on console at this point: the Horizon: Zero Dawn crossover and the Street Fighter V crossover. While the Horizon: Zero Dawn crossover has very little chance of coming to the PC version as the game is PS4 exclusive, the Street Fighter V crossover has a much better chance. However, Capcom has given no word on either piece of content in regards to the PC version.
Monster Hunter: World’s reviews on Steam are currently mixed with just 55% of reviews being positive. One can refer to the previous Haystack article dated Sept. 11, 2018 regarding the quality of the PC version for more information on the cause of this. Within the last 30 days, however, 68% of reviews within that timeline have been positive. One can expect the reviews to improve as updates continue to come out, not only adding in bonus content, but also improving the quality of the port as a whole.