Planned Parenthood Withdraws From Title X Program
People protest on recent news of Planned Parent hood and Title X.
September 19, 2019
On August 14, 2019, Planned Parenthood made a statement that they were going to withdraw from their main funding source, Title X, to stay operational. If Planned Parenthood does a withdrawal from Title X, then the whole program would take a major shift. If the court chooses not to intervene over this issue, Planned Parenthood would be forced to shut down on Aug. 19.
But what caused this certain situation to happen in the first place? According to, Title X funded Planned Parenthood for referring or providing abortions to patients. President Trump has also started a campaign to defund Planned Parenthood, which made many people who are pro-choice are happy with this decision. The pro-choice people believe no tax money should go to support abortions, which, federal funding for abortions is already prohibited, causing Title X to switch to health screenings and contraception.
With Planned Parenthood, more than 4 million people rely on affordable birth control and reproductive health care services provided by Title X. “The affordable birth control that Title X provides, helps prevent one million unintended pregnancies each year. Overall, publicly funded birth control services — including Title X — help women avoid 1.9 million unintended pregnancies, including 440,000 teen pregnancies, every year,” the website, Planned Parenthood states.
Title X, despite funding abortions for Planned Parenthood, has helped many women with many other health issues. This includes saving women’s lives with early detection of cancer through its affordable Pap tests and breast exams, screen for STDs and HIV and a host of other health issues. In spring 2018, Trump proposed a nationwide “gag” rule — a measure designed to block access to health care for millions of people. The gag rule would make it illegal for doctors, nurses, hospitals, community health centers, and any other provider in the Title X program to tell patients how they can safely and legally access abortion. Another effect of the gag rule is that millions of people will not get the health care they need. Birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing, and treatment, or even basic wellness exams.
Title X law has been clear; health care providers cannot withhold information from you about your pregnancy options. With this decision, many people will be affected because every year, each state is changing its regulations for abortions, and in many places, like Colorado, it is pretty much legal with little to no restrictions. This issue can be resolved, however, every day is changing, hopefully for the better. In conclusion, Title X’s withdraw from Parenthood strengthened President Trump’s new gag rule to ban abortions in America, or at least have fewer abortions occur.