WRHS Week 10/12-10/16 Schedule

October 8, 2020
As many already know, we have another “crazy” week coming along. But what is going on during this upcoming week that makes it so crazy?
This upcoming week, we have Future’s Day, Fall Break, and Parent/Teacher conferences–all in the same week.
All students will have at least four days dedicated to their Fall Break, while some are taking five. Here is what the week of 10/12 to 10/16 looks like;
Monday and Tuesday – 10/12 & 10/13
All Remote Learning
No matter if your last name is A-K, or L-Z, everyone is staying fully remote these two days, with periods 1-4 on Monday and 5-8 on Tuesday.
Wednesday – 10/14
Futures Day
Usually on this day, Freshmen would be going to do Job Shadows, Seniors would be visiting a college of their choice, Sophomores would be doing their ASVAB test. While Grades 9, 10 and 12 will all be going remote that day, Juniors who have signed up for the PSAT will be going there for their test, which starts at 7:30 am for those special Juniors.
For 9th, 10th, and 12th graders, Wednesday will be like a Friday kind of schedule, catching up on work you need to do before it is due. 11th graders who are not taking the PSAT will also have this schedule.
For the 11th graders who are taking the PSAT, you will be going through a certain door based on your last name to get to your designated classroom for the test. If your last name is A-K, you will go through the entrance by Holland Street, which holds the World Language classrooms. If your last name is L-Z, you will go through the North Entrance by the football field and GT classroom. The test will last around 3.5 hours, and you will need to bring a #2 pencil (must not be mechanical), a calculator and a face mask.
Thursday – 10/15
No School for Students
This is the first day of Fall Break for students, but sadly is a work day for teachers. No work will be assigned, but it would be a good day to catch up on missing or late work.
Friday – 10/16
Fall Break
This is the second day of Fall Break for students, and the first day of Fall Break for teachers. No school, no assignments, just enjoy your Friday off!
This week is a very confusing one. But then again, when have we had a normal week lately? I hope this article helps let you understand more about the schedule next week, and what to expect. And, to have a great small vacation of this crazy ‘normal’.