Wheat Ridge High School Homecoming Deemed a Success
September 29, 2022
Homecoming is a memorable experience for everyone in high school, “a night to remember” according to many students say in the hallways of Wheat Ridge high school. As I’m sure many of know the theme of homecoming this year is Under the Lanterns.
Tim Slater, the senate advisor, and English teacher stated that the theme of homecoming was put out for a vote and the number of responses he got was 421. “A little low, but for a school size of 1,000 or so it’s good,” he said. Under the Lanterns just barely beat out Fly Me to the Moon, and we will forever wonder what Fly Me to the Moon Might have looked like. In an interview with Avery Ransford, she said, “The themes of spirit week were fun, but I did not participate.”
The pie chart for the responses to the questionnaire of what theme would the student body want.
Many were excited for Spirit Week with the themes of Adam Sandler Day (Dress up like Adam Sandler), Night in vs. Night out, Anything but a backpack (Use almost anything for a backpack that’s not a backpack), and White lies (Draw or pin a white lie on a white shirt). Like last year, the dance was outside; Slater explained why homecoming was outside again this year: “You know, when the weather is nice, especially in the fall, it’s just nice nights. Have you seen the gym after school when it gets sweaty and humid? Last year it really did work out. If we get really low wind, it’ll be a nice night.” Slater did have a backup plan for bad weather, but we, thankfully, did not need it. James Mcveigh said “I liked it outside, rather than inside” when asked about whether he liked it outside or inside more.
Although we were only able to get a look at one plan which is above
Now, spiking the punch was a cliché for dances in the 1990s; today’s cliché is vaping at the dance, when asked what he would do if students were caught with illegal substances Slater had this to say: “Once you check-in, we have all the security guards and the school’s resource officer, plus I’ll have someone with me too. We will be here to enforce building police and the law. Kids will be screened and anyone looking suspicious will be brought in for further questioning. At a point we will monitor the dance floor, we’ve had relatively minor incidents. Once you’re in the dance you can’t leave, if you need something from your car we will obviously let them go but they will have an adult escort them out. No backpacks on the floor will be left at the coat check. If there is legitimate cause for concern, it is up to security to search them.”. In a homecoming interview with a 9th grader named Teagen, they said, “I definitely enjoyed homecoming especially all the community spirit around it.”
Slater also mentioned that Homecoming will not be the only fun thing this year! These are some other activities you can participate in:
Trick or treat street
A breast cancer awareness football game
A staff appreciation rally
Community service-oriented fundraiser
A winter dance
Welcome back to second-semester assembly