Girls’ Basketball Deserves Their Audience!
February 9, 2023
Here on the Farm, there are more people at the boys basketball game than the girls game even though the girls play before the boys, and why is it the same people? The same four or five freshmen girls go to the last quarter of the girls game.
Most of the girls games start at 5:30 p.m. and end at 7:00. The boys start 20 minutes after the girls game around 7:20 and end around 8:30 but have gone past 8:40.
Does a crowd affect how the players perform. Senior Sydney Mccullum (number 10) on the girls basketball team said, “When you’re at an away game and you’re playing against another team, a big crowd can make me play worse.” And senior Sam McCuneon (number 32) the boys varsity team said “It [a big crowd] can definitely built energy and get momentum going”
Most of the same people who go for the last two quarters of the girls game don’t participate the same way that they do for the boys game. They sit there on their phones, which is very disrespectful to the players who are playing at the time. So why are people only going to the boys game even though the girls game is right before the boys and it would seem like you would go to the girls and the boys. Well there are still parents that believe that boys are better at sports than girls, particularly parents of children that don’t play sports, according to Michigan University about 32% of parents believe that boys are better at sports than girls. So if their parents don’t believe that girls are good at sports then why would they let their kids go to the girls’ game even if the girls are better than the boys?
By playing sports, all children can learn leadership, confidence, and teamwork, but without the audience there, how can they show or prove that they have built these qualities? The girls work just as hard as the boys but do not to get the same recognition that they boys get.
Why are the people who go to the last part of the girls game sitting down when they stand up on top of the bleachers for the boys game? For the boys game everyone stands on top of the bleachers to support the boys, but when it comes to the girls game or the part that they attend they are sitting down. In my opinion, this shows that they don’t care about the girls and that they don’t support them, even though if you’d ask then if they supported the girls sports team they would say yes, they do support the girls team.
We, as a school, should come together and support the girls at their senior game on Friday Jan. 10 a5 7:00. Let’s go for record attendance, Farmers!