Scaglione Says Goodbye… For Now


Joey Huckaby, Marketing Editor

Every year there are staff members who leave the Farm, and this year we say goodbye to art teacher Franky Scaglione. Scaglione has been a teacher at Wheat Ridge for 12 years.

Scaglione turned around a failing art program by having Studio 23 participate in notable community projects, from the fashion show Fresh 23 to the mural currently being painted at Right Coast pizzeria.

Scaglione will be taking year-long leave of absence. He says, “There is nothing concrete… I am just feeling a pull to try something else this next year, and I know I can’t ignore it. I need to listen to that and see what happens.” He says if nothing sparks from his adventures, he will be sure to return to the Farm.

When asked about Wheat Ridge as a community Scaglione said “WRHS has never been ‘just a place where I work.’ This place is home for me, and the people inside are my family. Studio 23 is much more than a classroom in the school; it holds a great space in my heart.”

Scaglione says he will miss all the people and working with the most “ creative, dynamic, kind, and passionate people.” Scaglione will also miss his homeland- Studio 23.

There is no official news on the new art teacher for the next year, either way the art department will be missing a vital part of their team.

Staff members, when asked about Scaglione, say time after time that he has been a monumental teacher and superb coworker. Everyone appreciates what he has done for Wheat Ridge and they will miss him.

Lastly Scaglione quotes the late and great David Bowie, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”