According to Lily: How are Politics are Treated on Social Media

Lily Ives, Editor in Chief

Did you watch the vice presidential debate last week? If so, what do you remember about it?

Was it Senator Kamala Harris talking about the pandemic? Maybe it was Vice President Mike Pence speaking about the President’s current health? Ok, then let me ask you a new question: what was the most memorable part of that debate? Chances are you are thinking of a fly landing on Pence’s head or maybe Harris’ facial expressions.

The issue here is that the thing everyone talks about following a debate has no real importance. Sure, these are definitely lighthearted moments that all of us need, but we’re talking about the future of our country, and we should focus on what is said. 

When that fly landed on Pence’s head, the Vice President was speaking about how he doesn’t believe that there is any racial injustice in America. This is a major concern considering the more recent upticks in police-involved deaths of Black Americans. That is what we should be focused on, not this idiotic statement made by one of the people in charge of our country. 

This is certainly not a new issue, but it does seem to have become more of an issue with Donald Trump’s presidency. Now, don’t get me wrong, I hate the guy just as much as anybody  else, but I don’t like him because of his actions and his beliefs. The main way that people talk about him is by making fun of his appearance.

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the name Trump? Besides policies, you probably think about his skin, his hair, maybe his weight. This is an issue. What makes Trump a bad person is not relevant to his appearance–it’s only relevant to the things he says and does. 

Now, no one is truly at fault for wanting to make fun of someone who we dislike. You can’t really be upset with people for wanting to point out the faults of a person, both physical and ideological, that they strongly dislike. 

I think the main point I’m trying to get at is that when you watch these debates and speeches, try to think more critically about what they are saying. Ignore the outer appearance and pay attention to what is being said because these are the people who are running or going to be running our nation. 

The next presidential debate is Oct. 21, so keep this in mind when you watch it. If you can, vote by Nov. 3 and let your voice be heard.