What are the Best Colleges for Finance, Criminology, or Cosmetology Fields?

What are the Best Colleges for Finance, Criminology, or Cosmetology Fields?

Avery Ransford, Reporter

Finding colleges for your favorite career might be hard, but this article will help you with some of them, specifically Finances, Criminology, and Cosmetology.

Finances can be an umbrella term for different other careers, but in order to go into stocks, insurance, and others, it could be hard to find good colleges that give good education. Here are some of the options. Top 3 for Finances-

  • Boston College, Massachusetts. 10.8% of 2021 graduates were financing.
  • Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 9.1% of 2021 graduates were financing.
  • University of Notre Dame, Indiana. The top graduates at this college were finance, 9.3%.

Boston Colleges Rates – Graduation Rate 92%, Acceptance Rate 19%.

Georgetown Uni Rates – Graduation Rate 94%, Acceptance Rate 12%

Uni of Notre Dame Rates – Graduation Rate 97%, Acceptance Rate 15%.

(M = Only men’s teams, W = only women’s teams, M&W = Both)

-Athletic scholarships offered for Boston College – M&W basketball, M&W crew, W field hockey, M&W ice hockey, W lacrosse, W softball, M&W soccer, M&W swim, W tennis, M&W track, and M wrestling.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Georgetown Uni – not available.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Uni Notre Dame – M&W baseball, M&W basketball, M&W golf, M&W lacrosse, M&W soccer, M&W tennis, M waterpolo, M&W rowing, M&W swimming, M&W track, M wrestling, M football, M&W diving, M ice hockey, W softball & W volleyball.

Criminal Justice is a very intriguing field of work, but it requires a lot of studying and finding good colleges for it. 

Top 3 for Criminology

  • University of California/Irvine, California, most grads were psychology.
  • University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, 5.9% of grads were psychology.
  • John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, 38% of grads were psychology. 

University of Cal/Irvine’s Rates- Graduation Rate 83%, Acception Rate 29%

Uni of Texas Dallas Rates- Graduation Rate 71%, Acception Rate 87%

JJCJs Rates – Graduation Rate 46%, Acception Rate 45%

-Athletic scholarships offered for Uni California Irvine – M baseball, M&W basketball, M&W cross-country, M&W golf, M&W soccer, M&W tennis, M&W track & field, M&W volleyball, M&W water polo & W indoor track & field.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Uni Texas Dallas – M baseball, M&W basketball, M&W cross-country, M&W golf, M&W soccer, M&W tennis, M&W track & field, M&W volleyball, M&W water polo & W indoor track & field. 

-Athletic scholarships offered for John Jay College Criminal Justice – Does support athletic scholarships at this time but is not listed online. 

Cosmetology is a very artful & inventive job but requires a lot of time and you have to have a very creative mind and imagination, but sometimes you just can’t find the best college to go to for it, here are a few options.

Top 3 for cosmetology

  • Lone Star College, Texas.
  • Utah State, Utah.
  • Montclair State, New Jersey.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Lone Star College – W soccer, tennis, volleyball, track, field track, swimming, softball, & water polo. M football, cross country, and all the above.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Utah State Uni – M football, M golf, M tennis, W softball, W gymnastics, W tennis, volleyball, M basketball, lacrosse, track & W basketball, soccer, track & wrestling.

-Athletic scholarships offered for Montclair State Uni – M baseball, M&W basketball, M&W diving, W field hockey, M football, M&W lacrosse, M&W soccer, W softball, M&W swimming, M&W track and field, M&W track and field indoor, W cross country, and W volleyball.

That’s the end of these three careers, I can use some suggestions for other careers to look for, too.