Seasonal Allergies

Brandon Mendez, Reporter

Spring! Spring! Our favorite season of all the year… or is it?


Spring is one of the most common seasons in which allergies hit and especially seasonal allergies. These allergies can be caused by pollen, dust, mites, and mold. Most or all people develop allergies later on in life by the time they are 20 years old. Children between two years old  and below do not develop allergies. Seasonal allergies can also be referred to as “hay fever or allergic rhinitis,” and they  can make you feel miserable. 

“During summer, certain tree’s cause me to have allergic reactions, like my eyes began to itch and my nose begins to itch as well” stated Student Aram AI-Hossieni at Wheat Ridge High School.

Seasonal allergies can be triggered by tree pollen, mold, and ragweed. Seasonal allergies can be severe for thoses that have allergies. Symptoms that can be common for seasonal allergies are congestion, sneezing, runny nose, post nasal drip, fatigue, and coughing. 

This year has been especially bad for allergy sufferers.

“Seasonal allergies have been worse these past days, that I had to double my Flonase, ” said Tammy McKenzie, photography teacher here at Wheat Ridge High School.

Seasonal allergies can be a big thing for those who have serious allergies. Some steps that you can take to reduce your exposure to allergies are to stay indoors on dry and windy days. However, the best time to go outside is after a good rainy day because that’s when most pollen is cleared. If you do end up going outside, make sure you take a face mask to help with the allergies. If you are planning to do some type of activity outdoors check your local TVor radio stations for pollen forecasts.

We all know how rough seasonal allergies can be! So Stay Safe Y’all!

“My nose has done more running this spring than I have!”
